Thursday, March 01, 2007

My Dream Dinners Experience

My MIL and I went in on a Thursday night together. We were newbies and had never done anything like this before. The owners showed us the stations with ingredients and instructions on how to make the marinades that went into containers. We made alot of the same meals so we hung out together at each station. We each made six 3 serving meals. It was really relaxing and quiet in there. I thoroughly enjoyed it! We even signed up for March.

We have eaten all the different meals I made that night. It is all healthy meals that I would never make at home. The boys even have tried them and enjoyed them. For me it's something I can do to get out of the house, but still bring something home that helps my daily task of providing meals for my family. I would try it atleast once if you have the time and finances to give it a go.

1 comment:

Jerri Ann said...

Hey, I tagged you for a me-me, will you oblige me please????