Thursday, June 22, 2006

Compacted Poops

Man, you gals have me cringing on the compacted poop issues. I had no idea! He did really well today, but did not go poop again.

I wanted to mention that he might not be pooping because he had a stomach bug adn threw up for one whole day. He couldn't keep a solid down. He has slowly been eating his way back up into normalcy, but he's not 100% yet. So, I'm sure that has to do with how things are progressing in his bowels. Not that you gals want to hear all of this... LOL!

Anyway-I'm not that big of a drill sargeant and I'll let him wear a Pullup tomorrow if he doesn't go and tell him he's allowed to poop in his Pullup if need be. I don't want my son getting backed up and plugged up, if you know what I mean. Woh!

Okay-Off to bed!

No accidents today. He did great! I'm so proud of my Big guy!


Anonymous said...

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Kim aka Sassy

Anonymous said...

Walker did the same thing, we had to tell him he could poop in his night-time pull-up or in his underwear or where ever he wanted just to get him to poop. The underwear poop leads to lots and lots of gagging and heaving but at least he wasn't stopped up!