Thursday, June 22, 2006

Potty Training Boot Camp: Third Day

**I'm going to start this entry by knocking on a huge log (wood).

We are in the middle of potty training boot camp. Jacob is three. It is time. It's been time. I have been somewhat in denial that I should be the parent and start focusing on my son and his potty training. I had this realization that I might actually be carrying a THIRD child soon and therefore I do not want three children in diapers. As much as my husband persists that it is impossible for me to carry 9 months and have Jacob STILL in diapers after the baby is born, well-I'm not so sure because if things were going the same as they were, well who knows. I'm the Mom and I know Jacob's personality says otherwise. He sometimes needs a nudge in the right direction. Hence the bottle breaking at over 2 years of age. Potty training has not been much easier.

So, boot camp began this week. I took diapers away and went cold turkey into underwear. We have "potty reward" charts hanging in his bathroom. He gets 1 sticker for teetee and two for poopoos. He has yet to poop in three days. He's holding it in. I keep telling Mr. Big that he will have to go eventually. What goes in, must come out. All he understands is that he can't go in his underwear and he has to go in the potty. Let's just say that he hasn't gone. I figured he'd go in his diaper when we stuck it on him last night before bed, but no. I'm going to get him to poop on the potty if it kills me.

He is honestly doing very well. He is reluctant to actually ask to go sit on the potty or initiate it. I have to remind him and once I do he will go and teetee on the potty. I've got a stack of books next to both toilets (our adult potty and his small potty). We've had many library sessions next to the potty this week. Sammy the Seal is deep in my memory and I find myself walking around thinking about Sammy when not potty training. Ha!

He is not scared of the potty. He's just lazy and needs some constant reminders. Let the nagging begin. I feel like I ask "Do you need to sit on the potty" about 1 million times a day. No joke. My kitchen timer hasn't seen this much action in years. Every thirty minutes we're hitting the potty! This is my life.

So, in three days we've had:
4 accidents in our underwear (All Teetee)
2 teetee accidents on the carpet (went along with two of those times in our underwear)
No poopoo at all, diaper or potty. He's on strike, I guess.

We've had one dry nap in underwear, which is awesome. Very proud of that accomplishment. He slept for three hours too, which is great for him to be dry afterwards. He teeteed when he got up on the potty after I reminded him. Big Steps here people! I feel like I'm making progress. Baby steps towards one child in diapers. It feels good. Three days in and quite a few more to go. Wish me luck. Heck, Wish HIM luck!


Anonymous said...

Be careful about the poops, though, he may refuse to go to the point where he gets impacted and then you can have big problems, I'd suggest giving him something to help it along if he hasn't gone in three days, like prunes or pears. I'd rather do it slowly and not get them afraid to go, because then you can be at the point where he's afraid to go and you'll struggle for years. My cousin got this going with her oldest son and he's nearly 7 now and just getting over the struggle.

My Luke is 29 months and has been night trained since 26 months as well as pee trained, and we are still working on the pooping, but it's coming slowly with love and patience.

Anonymous said...

Man, Can I relate! My daughter is 3 also (turned 3 in April) and I can't get her to use the potty. I bought several small potties and tried the dora potty seat for the real toilet. She won't have it. We just bought a new house and I am really afraid to take away the diapers and have huge pee stains everywhere. I'm looking forward to seeing you it goes for you. *smiles*

Anonymous said...

No diapers, cold turkey? You brave woman, you! My daughter was holding her poop for when she had her diaper on, so I took it away during the nap. I don't think I would do that on another child. It just gave me more messes to clean up (and some underwear was just tossed, it was that bad!) and more aggravation. I think with potty training, the child has to have SOME control of what's going on. I wasn't really giving her that chance since I decided when she should sit on the potty, when the diapers went away, etc. We'll see what I'm saying when child #2 is ready to train!

Anonymous said...

I just had to add on the no poop issue, my son had that problem and it ended up turning into a major problem where he would hold it up to a week at a time!! We eventually had to go on a medicine called Miralax and he had to be on it from about age 3 until we just recently have stopped it and he is 6. Who knows if it was from potty training but that is when he started not pooping, he didn't seem scared of it, just didn't want to poop and then held it in and the longer they hold it in the less they feel the urge to go (it stretches I guess) and there is a medical term for it but it is fairly common, more in boys I beleive. I don't think most get to be as serious as my son's but if he really wants a diaper to poop in, I'd let him til he is ready to use the potty. or else try to get him something to make him have to go (laxative of some sort). Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I used a "treasure box" with all of my kids. I'd get a shoe sized box or a little bigger. Fill it with fun stuff from the dollar store and let them pick something each time they peed or pooped. It worked!

Anonymous said...

Good work Aimee! We are doing the same but I find myself waiting a bit too last and having to change a wet pullup instead of asking Bren to go on the potty. Doh! Taking it gently here so we have days were he goes maybe 2x and then others where my asking just doesn't jive. He has yet to ask to go when we weren't already in a bathroom or getting ready for bed though.

Anonymous said...

My daughter was trained day and nite in three hours!! No joke, I read "toilet training in less than a day", it worked really well for her. My son however, was a little bit more of a challenge.. He did fine with the urine, with the same technique, but he removes the training pants and goes on the floor for the rest. So I guess I should be happy he's letting go freely, but I am thinking about the diaper once in a while. The best suggestion I've read on you site so far is the treasure box! Also, I think that we worry way too much about these things. We should trust and just know that they will go to the toilet by age ten... For sure!!