Friday, July 28, 2006

Just Great...

So, we're in the midst of the IUI cycle and things are going exceptionally well. Lots of follicles, lots of sperm and whalla, I get a cold. We did IUI yesterday. I felt hopeful until I started feeling like a pile of dog crap. Now, Not so sure. Know anyone that conceived while feeling horrid? Please give me some "hopeful" stories. Right now, Not feeling hopeful. Which sucks.

1-DPIUI-I'm in for a long two weeks! Ugh.


andria said...

My sister did invitro implantation with a stomach virus. It cost too much money to put it off. She has a daughter now.

Good Luck!

Anonymous said...

Well, after almost four years of ttcing, and on the beginning of my last month of Clomid I got pneumonia (well, I refused to go have the x-ray that would have confirmed it), which had me on three loads of antibiotics, steroids, etc etc... and I conceived, the only different thing that month, to the other God-only-knows-how-many-months) was that I was dreadfully sick, as opposed to years of good health and taking care of myself (and m/c when perfectly healthy). And my son is a wonderfully happy, healthy boy.

Anonymous said...

BTW, Aimee, I'd love a link to your iui blog, if that was possible! And best of luck..I'm sending you lots of babydust across the Atlantic ~~~~~~~~~
My email is

Anonymous said...

I don't think it should make a difference in how well the IUI 'takes' - you just end up feeling like crap in the meantime, which is sucky!

I have to tell you, though, that of the three times I conceived w/IUIs, each one was COMPLETELY DIFFERENT in terms of how I felt. The first time I felt NOTHING new and then got a positive, the next time I knew at about 9dpiui when I felt like I was going to hurl if I didn't eat right then, and the last time I felt totally icky from the get-go. Go figure.

Get some rest and feel better!

Oh, and you can always do the test at about 7-8 dpiui to see if you get a - hpt, then you'll know the shot is out of your system, and when you test again at, say, 10 or 11 dpiui, you'll know that a +hpt will be a 'real' one. Or you could wait the two weeks. I'm just sayin'! :)

Good luck!