Thursday, January 05, 2006

My Mom: The Sewing Machine

Mom has dipped into another project. Taggie blankets.
Here is her latest. Snoopy Taggie made with fleece fabric.
18x18. $12 plus $3 shipping. She has three available.
Joshua loves his!!!

If you do not know what a "taggie blanket" is, here's a brief description:
Created by an early childhood educator and mother of three, authentic Taggies are a security blanket based on the idea that babies and kids love to rub satin edges, clothing labels and tags. We watched our own kids do this, like yours, and came up with the idea of Taggies. Taggies offer babies and kids a generous assortment of tags which are designed to be both tactile and visually stimulating. Every tag looks or feels different. No two tags are alike. Each tag has either a different print or texture. We call Taggies an "interactive blanket" because it provides the child with both an exciting activity and at the same time it is their cuddly, soft security blanket which we as mothers all know kids need.

My Mom's Taggies are not an original authentic taggie. They are created by her on her sewing machine with love. Each taggie has matching ribbon and is not, I repeat not, an authentic taggie. They are however created with the original taggie blanket in mind.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If only I would have known this when my babies where babies. I purchased a Taggie from a catalog and I think it ran me 25 smackaroos. Ridiculous!

Your mom rocks!